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SMR Prayer Group

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Psalm 50:15

Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”

We Are Weak, But He is Strong

There is a popular song that is sung by children all over the world that has a special message for adults as well. The words go like this: “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; they are weak but He is strong.” Even in this simple song, the message is clear that people are weak . . . but Jesus is strong! And the really good news is that “Jesus LOVES you,” and you can always depend on His strength to take care of you. On the days you feel anxious and nervous - unable to muster up the confidence you need to face the challenges ahead - lean on Jesus! When you feel the peer pressure of having to measure up and go forward with confidence - yet inside your heart is trembling with fear - lean on Jesus! Instead of feeling worthless or guilty for not meeting your own expectations, consider this: God doesn’t expect you to be strong every moment of your life! If that were so, you would never need Jesus! Just as the song says, “You are weak, but He is strong.” Learn to reach out to the One who loves you more than anyone else possibly could! Depend fully and completely on Jesus and you can be sure that God’s strength far surpasses anything you could possibly do on your own! God’s strength is all you ever need!

Text: Isaiah 40:29, Nehemiah 8:10, Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 73:25-26

© Brenda Walsh Ministries

Brenda Haberland
Brenda Haberland
Mar 10, 2023

Amen Heather 😘🙏


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