Y’all please say some prayers.
Tim and I are back at the ER. His leg has turned purple again and his leg and foot are very swollen. It’s hurting him to walk or sit. His blood numbers are off.
For those that don’t know Saturday September 21st Tim’s hip started hurting very badly. Even though nothing happened to make it hurt we decided on Sunday afternoon to go to the ER to make sure it was not broken. They told him there were no fractures and it was most likely a pinched nerve. They gave him steroids to help with any inflammation. The next day he felt great. We thought woo hoo he’s better so we took off to Florida for the nationals. I rode Dorado Wednesday and Sharon ride Moonshine and that evening when Tim got in bed he realized his leg was dark purple. We called his sister Barbara and she said get to the ER immediately. We went and that ER said he was not actively bleeding but had a hematoma. They did not give him any other meds and told him to stop taking one of the meds the first ER gave him. His white blood cells were normal but his red blood cells were very low. Some of the other blood test were really low as well(I don’t know what all those are) They also told him to take a couple of days rest and it would be best for him not to ride Thursday in his class. So we scratched his ride with moonshine. By Saturday the purple had a yellow tint to it meaning that it was going away. He was still hurting but less. Sunday he said he couldn’t stand it anymore and he rode Dorado for about 10 minutes max and he is super smooth. There were no issues with or during his ride. We left Florida Monday morning and came home. He was hurting pretty badly again. This morning he is in serious pain again and his leg is dark purple again meaning something is bleeding again internally. This is NOT from riding the horse because the first time it happened he had not ridden at all not had any falls, traumas or accidents. If anything the ride helped Tim’s emotional state because he was feeling very down not getting to ride after we had paid for the class. At this point we just want to know what is causing this and how to fix it.
Also, Tim’s sister Jennifer is in a different hospital in step down ICU. She is having issues with fluid around her heart and lungs.
And last but not least. Tims other sister Barbara’s husband Dwight is down here in Mississippi visiting because he is not doing well and his brain cancer is growing again quite rapidly and they can’t do a lot more for it.
Anyways we will update as we can.
Thank y'all for any and all good vibes and prayers.
Much love Heather & Tim