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Treats, hugs and bows with Gitana

Hello to all you cool humans. Gitana (Gypsy) here and I just wanted to take a moment to talk to you all. As you all know, Estrella is my daughter and although I really love her, I am glad she is weaning. I was having a hard time last week, but I am much better now. I wish Contessa would get weaned from ElDorado but she is still trying to hold on to her baby. She told me it is because he is going to be her last baby and he is just so dang cute. Today while our stalls were being cleaned we were able to go outside for a bit. It was lots of fun. Dad also took Perfecto and Tanka each out for a little while and they were really full of energy. That Tatanka is really cute but to me Perfecto is dreamy!!!! Tonight is treat night and I hope that I get lots of treats, hugs and bows. I hope the others do too, but I really am trying to get my weight back to normal since having a baby. Dad says I need to be on a diet but I like to eat. Everyone here is settling in to a routine and mom and dad said things should be back to normal again soon. They are trying to get ready for winter, and are planning to close the entire barn in with plastic again. Also, they are getting ready to start putting posts in the ground for fencing around the pastures. I can't wait for that because then we can stay out longer each day. The live tonight will start at 7:30 pm and I can't wait to see you all. I really like my new stall because I get treats sooner!!! Yum yum. You can get treats at Also, don't we have a new code for 15% off merchandise on our website. You can use the code on our website at or https://smooth-moves-ranch.creator-spring.comjust use promocode FALL2022. I have some great stuff out there with my picture on it. Anyway, I hope to see you all on the live. Peace and Love, Gitana


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Oct 14, 2022

Damn I like those pictures of Tonka and infecto


Awesome pics. Love them.


Cher Silvia
Cher Silvia
Oct 14, 2022

I'm so happy Tia went outside even though she had to get muddy


Cher Silvia
Cher Silvia
Oct 14, 2022

Great pics of Tanka and Perfecto 🥰🥰


Gillian Mobley
Gillian Mobley
Oct 13, 2022

I’m loving the pictures of tanka and perfecto I loved the video of Tia rolling in the mud it made my day I missed seeing her rolling in the mud and hang out in the sun ☀️

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