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SMR Prayer Group

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Hey y'all just an update, all freshened up, got the iv out, all the oks , now just waiting for my Medications to get filled at the pharmacy here then I will be headed home. Could take an hour before I actually leave. Thank you all so much for all the prayers and love and support ❤️‍🩹 if yall want I will continue to update u guys I am so thankful for an amazing support team of friends that have become family , and my family and everyone it makes my heart so happy 💙 I Love you all so much If you would please just continue to keeping me in prayers through this recovery process, and getting home safely today. It's a 2 hour and 15 min drive with out if there is traffic 🥰thanks smr family

Whitney Gordon
Cher Silvia
Debbie Moretti
Heather Basham
Pat Mitchell
Dec 17, 2023

Great news! You will heal better in your own bed!🤣❣️🙏



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