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SMR Prayer Group

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7 years ago today my dad lost his battle with lung cancer and went to be with God. I long for the day I can see him again . One thing I've learned is that grief never ends, it just changes over time but it is always there and it comes sometimes u expectedly. One time in church someone found out that their father had passed and we could hear her in the foyer reacting as she found out, we didn't know til pastor announced at the end without particulars. I didn't know the person at all and it had been a while since my dad passed but it hit me like I was getting the news and started crying hard and couldn't stop for a few minutes.

That's how grief is though comes up at unexpected times like that and also at expected times on golifays, birthdays, anniversary.

Kari Alexander
Heather Martin
Gabrielle Wesley
May 10, 2023

It’s wonderful that you obviously have such beautiful memories of him. Prayers for peace for you until you are reunited.



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